Advent Reflections, #2: Judas

I set my eyes upon the Babe of Bethlehem and wonder at the child born to be betrayed.

“He drew near to Jesus to kiss him, but Jesus said to him, “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”” Luke 22:47-48


I was a bit surprised when I began to think about him recently as I was considering advent.  What does Judas have to do with the incarnation?  Well nothing as far as specifics go, but if you take a step back and look at the whole Christ’s life, the image of Judas’ kiss is striking.  Jesus’ life, his birth, is leading to this betrayal and ultimately his death. 

The end informs our view of the beginning.

Jesus was born to be betrayed.

This idea has been walking with me the last several days.  When Jesus came, he came near.  He didn’t come to a life of comfort, didn’t come to a ‘successful’ life.  Think about it.  In the eyes of man as Christ hung on the cross his life work was a flop.  Betrayed by one of his own, died a cursed man’s death.  Denied, abandoned by nearly everyone close to him.  If we were to evaluate his leadership by these final days of his life, we’d find it faulty.  Yet, we can’t view the events of his life in isolation; we know the truth and we trust in the glory of his resurrection.  Still the lowliness and foolishness of the path Jesus led is impacting me anew.  Oh what love possessed this man! 

I set my eyes upon the Babe of Bethlehem and wonder at the child born to be betrayed.